Lexingtons | Quixotic - Lexingtons
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Gallery / Quixotic

Have your senses been over whelmed, what has intoxicated you to the point of no return?

Can you no longer recognize the difference between that which is touch or that which is smell?

Breathe slowly.

Try to focus.

Can you hear your heart beat?

Look upon the images of beauty before you, allow yourself to take in the shapes, the colors, the textures.

Take pleasure from all that your senses perceive to be real.

Indulge yourself in knowing that this moment here and now is all there is.

Already it is too late.

Your very soul is lost; you may just as well distinguish the fact and surrender.

There is no way out.

It is your fate, you are to become one with that which has stolen your very identity.

Quixotic #01

Quixotic #02

Quixotic #05

Quixotic #06

Quixotic #03

Quixotic #04